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Mohamed Jubail
Mohamed Juma Mohamed Jubail

Department head word

In the Department of Surgery, we aim to provide students with the fundamentals of surgery and the application of modern scientific methods. We focus on equipping future physicians with the necessary surgical skills to practice this profession, thereby addressing the healthcare needs in the Western Mountain region and its surrounding areas.


The Department of Surgery and its branches were established in the academic year 2020-2021. It is considered one of the most important departments in the clinical phase. The educational process began with the collaboration of faculty members from the Department of Surgery and its branches at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tripoli, and other surrounding universities, under the supervision of the Dean of the college at that time.

Surgery and its branches are taught during the third phase (fourth and fifth years), followed by a supplementary training period (internship) of three months in general and specialized surgery departments at one of the teaching hospitals.


To become a beacon of continuous excellence in medical education and to advance scientific research and innovation in order to meet community needs.


The Department of Surgery is committed to preparing scientifically qualified physicians capable of providing exceptional healthcare. The department is also dedicated to the continuous development of the educational process and distinguished scientific research, meeting locally accredited quality standards and effectively addressing community health challenges.


Introducing students to the fundamental principles and concepts of general and specialized surgery.

  • Equipping students with the clinical skills necessary for diagnosing and treating various diseases through surgical intervention.
  • Enabling students to handle emergencies related to different surgical conditions.
  • Participating in scientific seminars and national conferences aimed at improving and raising public health awareness.
  • Providing clinical training through work at Zintan Teaching Hospital and other teaching hospitals in the region, to develop the following clinical skills necessary for diagnosis and treatment:**
  • Collecting patient history using scientifically accurate methods.
  • Performing general and localized clinical examinations.
  • Requesting and conducting basic tests for disease diagnosis.
  • Analyzing data from patient history, physical examination, and other tests to reach a preliminary diagnosis.
  • Understanding fundamental diseases and their causes.
  • Making treatment decisions under the supervision of specialists and more experienced practitioners.
  • Performing some basic therapeutic procedures.
  • Keeping up with advancements in surgical sciences and new treatment methods.
  • Pursuing advanced studies and committing to continuous medical education.
  • Contributing to the enhancement of healthcare services.
  • Interacting well with patients and adhering to professional ethics from all aspects.
  • Thinking independently, being creative, and continuously improving scientific knowledge.
  • Fighting and preventing diseases within the community.
  • Understanding patients' social and psychological conditions and how to address them.